Tief verschneit zeigt sich das Ferienhaus Ebner zu Weihnachten.

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Tief verschneit zeigt sich das Ferienhaus Ebner zu Weihnachten.

Welcome to the Ferienhaus Ebner
The house, in the idyll of Rohrmoos, scores with its quiet location and great panoramic view of the Dachstein. It is just a few walking minutes away from the town center and has three individual holiday apartments, Two more are privately used.
Our apartments are very appreciated by groups of friends and families. Also, couples enjoy a quiet location close to nature.
In summer, the Reiterkreuzweg and the Märchenweg offer direct access to the pleasure of hiking and cycling for young and old. In the area, you will find a variety of shorter and longer hikes. These lead along streams, over alpine pastures, and moorlands up to the high mountain tops.
In winter, an adjoining skiing slope can be reached after 100m on a forest path. There you can directly enter into the pleasure of skiing or snowboarding. At the end of the day, you can ski right up to the front door - snow conditions provided. There is a ski storage room accessible at ground level. The ski boots can be put on and taken off or stored comfortably in the anteroom, which is also accessible at ground level.
Each apartment has a free parking space in front of the house - further parking spaces on request.
Connoisseurs of fresh pastries can pre-order fresh pastries and bread from our local bakery.